Author: Dr. Stephanie Nishek, ND; Wise Woman Herbals Industry Expert Advisor
Managing your cholesterol levels needs to be something that everyone prioritizes, as this can have a significant impact on your health. Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions about what cholesterol is and what it does in the body.
Most people think of cholesterol as being either good or bad, but it isn't always as simple as that. In this article, we will be discussing what cholesterol is, how it impacts the body, and why good and bad labels don't always work.
What Is Cholesterol?
Before we dive into why cholesterol isn't just good or bad, you need to understand what cholesterol actually is. Cholesterol is a waxy substance found throughout the body that is essential for building cells. It also plays a part in creating hormones, vitamin D, and bile.
Cholesterol is needed for healthy brain function, as low levels of cholesterol could lead to symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and difficulty concentrating.
There are two sources that cholesterol comes from, with the primary source being your liver. Your liver creates all of the cholesterol that is needed for healthy functioning; however, cholesterol can also come from the foods you eat. It is primarily found in things like meat, poultry, and dairy products.
Understanding How Cholesterol Works in the Body
Confusion around good and bad cholesterol can often lead people to feel overwhelmed when they try to take charge of their health. One way of simplifying the way you look at cholesterol is by understanding the two different types: LDL cholesterol, which is bad, and HDL cholesterol, which is good. Having too much LDL cholesterol can lead to serious health complications, but not having enough HDL cholesterol can also lead to similar issues.
LDL cholesterol is still created in the liver, and it doesn't always start out as being bad. While being distributed through the body via the bloodstream, LDLs may encounter excessive amounts of sugar molecules, which weigh them down. Because of this, maintaining healthy blood sugar is one of the many components of maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.
Because of this, even if you don’t consume a lot of high cholesterol foods, having a diet high in sugar can still lead to cholesterol-related health issues.
Saturated and Trans Fats: How They Play a Role in Unhealthy Cholesterol
Part of the misconceptions around good vs bad cholesterol comes down to where people think cholesterol comes from. Because your liver produces all the cholesterol you need, it is very easy for the balance to become unhealthy if you consume high cholesterol foods. However, it isn't always as simple as that, as foods high in saturated and trans fat can also lead to too much cholesterol since they increase the cholesterol levels in your body.
Foods that can contain saturated and trans fats include things like:
Dairy product
Coconut oil
Palm oil
Palm kernel oil
Processed foods may also have added saturated and trans, which can produce unhealthy levels of cholesterol in your body.
The Danger of Too Much Cholesterol
Health research has shown cholesterol to be a significant contributor to a variety of diseases. For example, high cholesterol has been linked to cardiovascular disease diseases, such as heart disease and strokes.
Cholesterol becomes a problem when it starts to slowly build up within the inner walls of the arteries. This can happen within the arteries that feed the heart and brain, creating thick and hard cholesterol deposits. When this happens, the arteries will become less flexible, otherwise known as a condition called atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis can then lead to blood clots forming, blocking the arteries, which can cause a heart attack or stroke. Keep in mind that some people are at a higher risk of health issues associated with high blood pressure than others, with some of these risk factors including:
High blood pressure
How Inflammation Contributes to Unhealthy Cholesterol
Aside from the primary dangers of having too much cholesterol, there are other things that can contribute to unhealthy cholesterol levels. Inflammation is a significant contributor as it can cause damage to large and small vessels, making it harder for your body to eliminate cholesterol from the bloodstream.
It doesn't help that our Western culture contributes to inflammatory issues through things like processed foods, beverage choices, stress management, inadequate sleep, and a lack of exercise. Just like managing your sugar consumption to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, you also need to actively support your body's ability to resolve inflammation.
While it is impossible for a supplement or herb to replace the need for establishing a healthy foundation, there are resources that can be utilized to help fight inflammation. Turmeric is a well-known anti-inflammatory powerhouse when combined with black pepper for improved absorption. Additionally, you could consider adding gentian and ginger to your daily routine for gut health and modulating inflammation.
How to Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels
Now that you know what cholesterol is and why labeling it as good or bad doesn't always work, how can you maintain healthy cholesterol? This is the question that everybody should be asking if they want to avoid the risks associated with cholesterol.
For those who are in the category of being at a high risk of high cholesterol, being proactive is especially important.
Having a healthy body requires healthier daily choices, with one of these choices involving activity. Research shows that even very short walks after meals and short bouts of activity to break up periods of inactivity are effective methods of reducing blood sugar spikes after eating. Even something as simple as doing a few bodyweight squats throughout the day can achieve this.
Here are some examples of healthy types of exercise that you can incorporate into your daily or weekly routine:
Walking or running
If you specifically want to target your blood sugar, herbalists recommend fenugreek, garlic, and gymnema.
Balanced Diet
Because your body creates its own cholesterol, it really isn't necessary to get cholesterol through your diet. However, most people do get some cholesterol through their food, even if they eat a relatively healthy diet. Because of this, one way to manage your cholesterol levels is to ensure you're eating a balanced diet that isn't too high in cholesterol or saturated and trans fats.
You should also focus on consuming sources of antioxidants, which you can do by eating a variety of colorful and plant-based foods. It can also be helpful to limit tropical oils, such as palm oil and coconut oil.
Herbs and Supplements
Even though herbs and supplements will not completely solve cholesterol problems, they could help you better maintain a healthy balance. There are many herbs and supplements that can be used to help strengthen heart and brain health as well as target inflammation.
Keep in mind that it is always advised to consult with your primary physician before taking any new herbs or supplements.
Behavioral Changes
Just like eating a healthy diet and exercising, there are certain behavioral changes that can help you reduce your risk of having too much cholesterol. Long-term health often comes down to daily choices and thinking about the long-term impact of certain things instead of the short-term.
For example, certain unhealthy behaviors that you should consider avoiding include things like smoking, vaping, and consuming unhealthy amounts of alcohol. It can also be helpful to avoid exposing yourself to environmental toxins, such as pesticides, air pollutants, and secondhand smoke.
Other incredibly beneficial behavioral changes can include adding stress-reducing habits into your daily routine. Stress and anxiety play a huge part in your health and even have certain links to cholesterol.
If you want to specifically target oxidative stress in the body, Hawthorne is a traditional heart tonic that comes with antioxidant potential.
The Takeaway
As you can see from everything we have discussed in this article, labeling cholesterol as good or bad doesn't always work. There are healthy amounts of cholesterol and unhealthy amounts, and the balance can easily be tipped either way if you aren't careful.
By committing to your health and incorporating healthier habits, such as exercising, eating whole foods, and reducing stress, you can take steps towards more balanced cholesterol. Contact us today at Wise Woman Herbals to view our range of high-quality supplements and to access additional information on health and wellness.